Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"It is not enough to write so you can be understood. You must write so clearly that you cannot be misunderstood." Emerson.

If the listener doesn't hear what you think you said, did you really say it?

Who's the fall guy if you're misunderstood? Do you blame the other person? Or do you take responsibility for making sure the listener knows what you mean?

You can tell yourself your meaning was clear, and everybody else should understand it the same way. But that leaves you powerless. You can't control how people think.

Or can you? Well, yes. If you communicate effectively, you really can make people think differently. So the ball's in your court.

Say it plain. Be heard. Be understood.


  1. Mark you amaze me. I'm proud to be your first follower!

  2. You should live in our house for about a week. Maybe you could give us some tips on how to change someones thinging. Rick and I can say the exact same thing and mean something totally different. And then, we can say totally different things and mean the same thing. (sigh) C'est la vie.
