Friday, December 11, 2009

Mind Control

Mind control – is that what we’re trying to do?

When we talk to people, aren’t we trying to control their thoughts? Like this:

Let’s say you’re standing in the electronics aisle at MalWart, hoping to buy a decent camera for under a hundred bucks. The Electronics Department Sales Consultant (kid who knows computers) saunters along and sees the camera in your hand.

“Cool little camera there, man. Course if you want better pics indoors at night, maybe do a little video, this one does way better.” He points to a slick package with an impressive array of features and a price tag of only $158. He saunters off.

You pick up the one he pointed out and scan the description. Now you see he’s right. For all the things the second one does, it’s easily worth the extra money.

What did he do? By transferring his knowledge into your brain, he changed the way you thought. He effectively controlled your mind for the time it took to make the right choice.

Next: But what if your mind doesn’t hear what he thinks he said?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...Not trying to be argumentative but I don't think that's mind control at all. The sales consultant supplied information and a free will decision was made based on weighing that new information. Mind control would have been taking away any choice.
